Sep 13 – 17, 2021
Europe/London timezone


This STFC-funded school will provide PhD students with training in data intensive science skills to support their research, help them undertake successful industrial placements a success and prepare them for careers after the PhD. The event will consist of hands-on workshops, plenary talks, group discussions and a hack day. Workshops will operate in parallel and will be pitched at PhD students with different levels of training and skillsets. 

To provide certainty in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to embrace the positive aspects that have emerged after a year of remote working and meetings, this event will be online.

Registration will open on 21 Jul 2021 and will remain open until 31 Aug 2021

The previous school in this series was hosted by LIV.DAT in Liverpool in Sept 2020 

This event is supported by the STFC under agreement No 4070290561 



Local Organising Committee:

Prof Carlton Baugh  
Joaquin Armijo-torres 

Carolina Cuesta-lazaro 
Arnau Quera-bofarull
Shufei Rowe